Your vote is your VOICE!

United We WIN.

  • Access to quality healthcare is a basic human right that should not be determined by one's income. As lawmakers, we must be committed to expanding healthcare coverage, promoting preventative care initiatives, and increasing access to mental health services to ensure that every individual receives the care they need to thrive. Additionally, supporting policies that ensure universal access to reproductive healthcare, including essential services such as birth control, prenatal care, and safe, legal abortion is imperative.

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  • Housing is a basic necessity, yet many individuals and families struggle to find affordable and safe housing options. We need initiatives that increase affordable housing stock, implement rent control measures, and provide housing assistance programs to address the housing crisis and ensure that everyone has a place to call home.

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  • Let’s advocate for legislation focused on decreasing the financial burden associated with higher education. It is imperative to prioritize investing in our nation's education system to ensure that all students have access to quality learning resources.

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